“Cash is King”

The concept of “cash is king” describes the importance of sufficient cash as an asset in the business for short term operations, purchases and acquisitions.

Caporum has identified two of the most important parts of a stable and reliable cash flow – Distribution and Legal actions.

A Nordic solution for distribution through Digital Letterbox, SMS, e-Mail and Print as well as integration for legal actions will be offered shortly.

The solution targets all types of ERP systems, Credit Management- and Debt Collection systems by using APIs against Caporum Print Broker and Caporum Bailiff Broker.

Integration with the Swedish Bailiff and Enforcement Authority (old and new platform) has been launched. Soon integration will be offered against Namnsman in Norway and then integration for the summary process in Finland.

With the help of our Broker solutions, the respective company or system supplier can focus on their core business instead of spending important development time on integration solutions and maintenance and adaptations of these.